[stm_spacing lg_spacing=”80″ md_spacing=”70″ sm_spacing=”60″ xs_spacing=”50″] [stm_spacing lg_spacing=”80″ md_spacing=”70″ sm_spacing=”60″ xs_spacing=”50″]COMING SOON We are inviting you to participate in the unique event – Career Fair. Be prepared to interview with managers and recruiters. Don’t forget your resume as there would be representatives of the best companies in the city. [stm_spacing lg_spacing=”30″ md_spacing=”30″ sm_spacing=”20″ xs_spacing=”20″][stm_countdown style=”style_2″ countdown=”2023-10-30 12:12″][stm_spacing lg_spacing=”60″ md_spacing=”60″ sm_spacing=”60″ xs_spacing=”60″]